This screen displays a list of all failed emails sent by Billdozer. Information is provided under the following headings:
Note: To help search for a specific email, you can filter and order certain columns (see Common Tasks for more details if required).
- Date Created
- Recipient – If the email address of a client has changed, you can edit it and resend the email (see Change Email Address below).
- Message
Change Email Address
- Click the edit (pen) icon to next to the email address that you want to change.
- Edit the recipient email address as required.
- Click the edit (pen) icon to confirm the changed email address or click x to cancel the change. If confirmed, the email address of the contact person is also automatically updated on the Clients > Client Contacts > Client Details view.
- Click the Resend Failed Email (envelope) icon to resend the failed email to the recipient’s updated email address.
Note: You can also delete the failed email if required by clicking the Delete Failed Email (trashcan) icon next to the relevant failed email.