Invoice batches that are ready for collection can be sent to the appropriate payment provider to issue a payment collection instruction for the amount outstanding on the invoices included in the batch.
Note: Payment providers must be correctly configured in order for the batch payments process to work correctly. See About Payment Providers.
- Click Send for Payment next to the invoice batch. You will receive either:
- an email to tell you that your batch has been successfully sent to the payment provider. In this instance the invoice batch is moved to the Waiting for Collection view.
- an email to tell you that you have errors in your batch. If permanent errors are found, choose the Actions > move all errors to another batch option (all permanent errors are selected by default), resolve the payment errors (see below), and then click Send for Payment again. All invoices that had non-permanent errors such as insufficient funds or payment stopped by account holder, will be resent to the payment provider.
Permanent errors such as, debits not allowed to this account, account frozen, account in sequestration, account in liquidation, account closed, account holder deceased, credit card declined – reported as stolen, credit card declined – expired, and so on that cause a failed payment, must first be resolved by, for example, adding a new bank account or capturing new card details. You can then send the ‘repaired’ invoice batch to the service provider.