Note: You can only do transactions in Billdozer once clients have been added to the system.
Note: If entering client data in stages, click Save and Close before exiting each client-data page. Then select the relevant client, and click Edit Client to continue entering data.
- Select the Clients tab in the top navigation menu. The View Clients screen is displayed.
- Click Create New Client. The New Client screen is displayed.
- Select the Client Information tab and enter client details, fields include:
- Account Number – This account number is used on all invoices and receipts sent to and received from the client.
- Is legal entity – check this check box if the client is a registered business. If checked, enter the associated company information, such as:
- Company Name – the name of the company
- Trading As Name – the ‘trading as’ name used by the company
- Company Registration # – the company registration number
- VAT Number – if the company is VAT registered
- Category – used to categorize clients into groups, for example Builders or Service Providers
If unchecked, enter the applicable associated client personal information, such as:
- Title
- Initials
- First Name – this field is mandatory
- Last Name – this field is mandatory
- Date of Birth – select from the calendar view
- Gender – Male or Female
- Occupation
- Identity Number
- Email Address – used in conjunction with the ‘Automatically email invoices’ field (see below)
- Category – used to categorize clients into groups, for example Builders or Service Providers
- Automatically email invoices – If checked, invoices and statements are automatically emailed to both the email address entered in the above field, as well as to the email address of the primary contact. See also Messaging > Automated Email
- Telephone – Click the pen icon next to the relevant telephone number (Landline, Mobile, or Facsimile) and enter the number. Click + Telephone if you want to add an alternate number, for example Work. Click ✔ to add the number or X to delete the number.
- Click Next, or choose the Client Addresses tab and enter the client address details as follows:
- Click + Add Address for each address that you want to add. The Client Addresses input form is opened.
- Enter all relevant address details.
- Click Save Address when complete.
- Click Next or choose the Contact Persons tab and enter the contact person’s details as follows:
- Click + Add Contact for each client contact that you want to add in order to open the input form.
- Enter all relevant contact persons details.
- Click Save Contact when complete.
- Click Save and Close to exit.