Whenever you log in to Billdozer, by default you will land on the Dashboard screen. The Dashboard provides a high-level overview of selected main events/transactions that have been performed on your Billdozer system.
Note: The appearance of the Dashboard may differ slightly from client to client depending on specific Billdozer settings.
At a glance you can see the following information:
- Bank or Credit Card Validation – This button provides a quickly way to validate a bank account number or credit card details without first having to add other client information.
- Turnover – This is a graph displaying all the invoices sent to clients over the past three months. This shows the total amount due for the invoices as well as the amount still outstanding. Below the graph you can view the turnover summary for the current month as well as for the year-to-date.
- Messages – Displays messages that have been received from the payment provider. For example, confirmation messages of successful payment uploads, or payments that have been sent for action on a particular date. This section also displays error messages from the payment provider informing you of any transaction errors. Messages displayed start with the most recent message. Navigate through the message list if required by clicking a specific page number (1 to n), or by using the left or right arrow keys to move between pages (either one page at a time or to the beginning / end of the message list). You can also clear the message list as required by clicking the relevant button Clear Errors, Clear Warnings, or Clear Information. Note that you can see the entire message if required by hovering your mouse pointer over a specific envelope icon.
- Collection Summary Report – This graph displays a summary of all debit orders that were collected and rejected over the past three months.
- Contracts – Displays a summary list of your contracts. Shows the total number of contracts as well as the active contracts. Also shows any unvalidated payment methods.
Refer to About Billdozer to learn more about your Billdozer system.