Payment provider statements are used to drive the process of receipting and payment reconciliation. The actual Payment Provider name, e.g. SagePay replaces ‘Payment Provider’ in this heading, as configured under General Settings > Payment Gateways.
Billdozer automatically retrieves statements from Payment Providers on a daily basis to indicate all successful and failed payments. Alternatively, bank statements can be imported via Billdozer (see Import tab).
This screen displays a list of all Payment Provider statements. The following information is displayed:
- Id – The bank statement Id number.
- Bill Id – The unique Billdozer Id number for the bank statement.
- Processed – The date on which the statement was processed.
- Date
- Account Number
- Contract Number
- Reference
- Type
- Description
- Rejected Reason – If applicable.
- Amount
Click Export as CSV to export the displayed list of Payment Provider statements, which can then be opened typically in Microsoft Excel.