The Failed Payment Methods screen displays a list of all the failed payment methods for your contract clients.
Note: This option is only available to administrators.
Choose a radio button to filter the list of failed payment methods according to the following criteria:
- All Errors – displays all errors on the failed payment methods.
- Not Validated – displays all failed payment methods that were not validated.
Additional filtering on this list can be done by column heading (see Common Tasks/Filtering Lists).
A summary of failed payment methods for each of your contract clients is provided under the following headings:
- Actions – Not used.
- Account Number – The client’s Billdozer account number.
- Name – The client’s name.
- Type – The payment method type, for example, bank account.
- Bank – The name of the client’s bank.
- Bank Account Number – The client’s bank account number.
- Sort Code – The bank’s sort code (branch code).
- Card Number – The bank card number.
- Expiry date – Typically displayed on the front of the bank card.
- Verify – The bank card verification number. Typically 3-digits, displayed on the back of the bank card.
- Assigned to Active Repeating Invoice – Determines which clients are displayed. Click Select Assigned/Unassigned to toggle the switch as required. If, for example, you select Unassigned, then only clients whose payment methods are not assigned to a repeating invoice are displayed. Payment methods can be viewed and updated by clicking Select > View Repeating invoice in the Actions column under Accounting > Repeating Invoices.
- Emailed – An envelope icon is displayed in this column if the client has been emailed.
- Billdozer Id – The Billdozer Id is only relevant to clients who interact with Billdozer via Web Services, and is used to update clients. It is automatically generated by Billdozer, and uniquely identifies each client.
Click Re-submit Validation for all un-validated Payment Methods to resubmit all un-validated payment methods.
Click Refresh Report to update the list.