Quick note templates can be created to configure standard notes that can then be attached to clients as a reminder to perform a particular task on that particular client. Some examples of quick notes: Client has made an additional payment. Client has asked for an extended payment period. Contact client […]
How to Create a User
Users can be created and configured to have specific ‘privileges’ or ‘permissions’, which are a set of operations the user is authorized to perform. There are two categories of user: one category of user has read/write access to all Billdozer functions/operations, and the other category of user has limited access […]
About Staff Management
This option allows you configure and manage all users who have access to your Billdozer system – depending on permissions. From this screen you can view, edit or delete users. You can also create new users. . By default, choosing the General Settings tab displays the User Management screen, and […]
About General Settings Tab
The General Settings tab allows you to setup your Billdozer system by configuring the following types of merchant information to suite your particular installation: . Staff Management – a list of staff members who have access to your system – depending on permissions. Billing Rules – a set of billing […]
About Client Data Import
This option allows you to import various client data types into Billdozer using csv files exported from existing data sources such as Pastel. This greatly reduces the amount of time it takes to enter client (and associated) data into your Billdozer system. The following data types can be uploaded/imported into […]
About Import Tab
This option allows you to view all client data batches and bank statements that have been imported into Billdozer. . It also allows you to import/view the following: . Bank Statement Import – to reconcile client accounts by searching for known account numbers and amounts contained in the imported bank […]
About Clients Tab
Note: Before you can effectively manage your clients, you must first capture all merchant settings and billing rules as described under the General Settings Tab. Δ. The Clients tab allows you to configure and manage your client profiles. This includes the adding, modifying and viewing of client data, as well […]
Configuring Event Notification
This option allows administrators to view and manage event notification subscriptions. . Billdozer currently has four events to which administrators can subscribe: Incomplete contracts – this event runs daily, and notifies administrators of incomplete contracts. Notify charge and recurring invoices anniversary – this event notifies administrators 60 days (default) before […]
Managing Failed Emails
This screen displays a list of all failed emails sent by Billdozer. Information is provided under the following headings: Δ. Note: To help search for a specific email, you can filter and order by column (see Common Tasks). Δ. Date Created Recipient – If the email address of a client […]