You can refund all or part of an invoice payment by following the process shown below: . Unallocate the receipt. See How to Fix receipting Errors for details. Create a credit note against the invoice. See How to Create a Credit Note for details. At this stage, the account balance […]
About Allocations Report
The allocations report lists all client refunds. . You can filter the list items by selecting one of the following radio buttons: Show All – shows all refunds (allocations), Receipt Allocations – only shows refunds associated to receipts, Debit Note Allocations – only shows refunds associated to debit notes, Credit […]
About Client Collections
This option allows you to view or edit all client accounts that are ready for collection. . By default, choosing the Clients tab displays a list of all existing clients. . Filter the list by selecting the Show All, debit order or non-debit order radio button. Do additional filtering by […]
How to Integrate Xero with Billdozer
Once connected with a Xero account (via an OAuth 2.0 token), Billdozer can extract invoices for collections management. The Xero customer contacts are imported into Billdozer as Clients, along with product codes and invoices. During the initial setup process (see below), Xero bank accounts must be mapped to the existing […]
Calculate Contract Value
. The contract value calculation takes all line items on the repeating invoice that have a term and multiplies them out to show the value. If the repeating invoice is term ‘0’, then only those line items that have a term greater than ‘0’ are included. . Note: The item […]
About Card Prefix Validation
Click General Settings > Card Prefix Validation to view the existing list of credit card prefixes that will not be accepted by your Billdozer system. . Add Prefix Number . To add a new credit card prefix number: . Click Create Card. Enter the required card prefix to the list […]
About Sales by Item Code
This report shows a report on all invoices per specified item code. . Select the invoices you want to display by choosing the appropriate option, namely, Show all invoices, PAID only, UNPAID only, or FAILED only. Click Invoices containing item code and choose the item codes to include in the […]
About Sales by Consultant
This report shows a report on all invoices per sales consultant. . Select the invoices you want to display by choosing the appropriate option, namely, Show all invoices, PAID only, UNPAID only, or FAILED only. Click Invoices containing item code and choose the item codes to include in the report, […]
About Collected
To display only collected batches for a specific account number, enter the account number in the Filter on account number: field and press Enter. . This screen displays a list of invoice batches that have already been collected by the payment provider. Information is provided under the following headings: Actions […]
About Client Age Analyis
The Client Age Analysis screen provides you with a status summary for each of your client accounts. Choose a radio button to filter the list to display the client accounts according to the following criteria: Δ. All – displays all client accounts (irrespective of whether the account is in arrears […]